Anthology Package – Contributing Author
Write Your Book Via Interview to manuscript (or your written content, up to 5,000 words)
- Get a professional content development edit to identify what what else is needed in your story
- Have your name and contact information at the end of your chapter
- The entire book will be formatted and edited.
- The cover will be created for you including your picture on the back cover
- Your story will be compiled with fellow contributing authors, turned into ebook and paperback book, published and promoted to Best Seller on Amazon.
- Best Seller citations that grant the right to display “Amazon Best Selling Author” — Guaranteed!
- Group Interview on Thriving Entrepreneur Radio Show about the book; pushed out to over 8 million people and available on iTunes
- Premium press release pushed to over 200 media outlets and will be displayed on ABC, CBS, NBC, & FOX websites. (allows you to use their logos)
- BONUS: You can order at wholesale custom, branded, full color print copies of your book with your images and information for you (or your sponsor(s)) that you can order in any quantity you want.
Sales and Marketing rights: The books you purchase at wholesale, and then resell, you retain all profits from. (wholesale will be around $8.50 for full color custom print made exclusively for you and to market you. Recommended autographed price of AT LEAST $20. Potential profit $10 to $15 per book.) You can use the book in your marketing and leverage the credibility. You own your content. The leading author retains all rights and royalties of the completed anthology book.
Pay in Full