You have heard me say many times “Control What You Can and Dont Worry About What You Cant Control”. Btu what about the things that you cant control that REALLY impact you like when your child is diagnosed with Autism. This can be a major obstacle to overcome. Autism is an epidemic in our society. One that we do not understand or seem to have any control over. So what can we do?
Today I am joined by Autism advocate Deborah Harris and a doctor who specializes in Autism to share with you some insights into Autism. Hopefully you will find the help you need if Autism has touched your life and like Dr Ali you will learn to see Autism as an AU-mazing gift. If you are not directly impacted by Autism we hope this will inspire you to lend a hand to those around you who this is impacting
One of the best ways we can live as a Thriving Entrepreneur is when we make a positive impact in our world and help with the things we can. Today lets talk about Autism
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