There is power in saying Yes, But there is also extreme power in saying NO. It doesnt have to be a harsh, cruel or rude thing. It is simply a matter of value. It is important that we are not just valuing everyone else. It is so easy to give no value to ourselves. Often we dont even see how amazing we are, or how important our time is. When we say yes to everything we diminish our own personal value, but we also trivialize how important our yes is. If anyone can ask you anything at any time and you simply say yes, where is the value in that. If our yes to our spouse, our children, our best friend is no more special than to a complete stranger, does that mean we truly value the most important people in our lives?
No is so powerful. No can free you. No can allow you to really show respect and value to everyone. AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY TO YOURSELF
Today we are joined by International Best Selling Author Jen Gaudet as she share with us powerful insight and techniques from her book “Over My Dead Body: the Art of Saying NO”. This episode will empower you with skill to live as a Thriving Entrepreneur
Finding and Up-leveling Your Purpose Life with Dan Meadors and David Wood
Let’s look at the things we want to do as well as the things we are doing and Up Level them by learning how to identify what we want to do and then how to do that to our utmost
Dan Meadors shares with us a strategy for creating a million dollar company selling on Amazon (and after all if you are going to sell something why no sell it where people are going to buy things)
Then David Wood talks about up-leveling what we are doing by learning to play the best game we possibly can, deepening our connection and living a regret-free life.
These 2 powerful elements of knowing what to do and then doing it with excellence is the perfect 1, 2 punch for success in life and business
Listen in as Steve talks with these amazing guests and help you Up Level in Life, today on Thriving Entrepreneur
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Show Notes
Plan and Replan with Steve Kidd
You were born with a purpose. That purpose has a perfect path, a plan that will get you there. Then life gets in the way. We have all faced this, the conflict between our destiny and the events in our life. The desire to quit hijacks some from their purpose.
But not you!
You must continue on!
This is not the end only a time to regroup. Now is your time to group and move on to even greater. Now is your time to replan.
Listen as Steve Kidd talks about the driving force behind our lives – our purpose and how when the events of our life get in the way of that purpose how we can replan. Take the detour, get back on course and fufill your destiny