There is power in saying Yes, But there is also extreme power in saying NO. It doesnt have to be a harsh, cruel or rude thing. It is simply a matter of value. It is important that we are not just valuing everyone else. It is so easy to give no value to ourselves. Often we dont even see how amazing we are, or how important our time is. When we say yes to everything we diminish our own personal value, but we also trivialize how important our yes is. If anyone can ask you anything at any time and you simply say yes, where is the value in that. If our yes to our spouse, our children, our best friend is no more special than to a complete stranger, does that mean we truly value the most important people in our lives?
No is so powerful. No can free you. No can allow you to really show respect and value to everyone. AND EVEN MORE IMPORTANTLY TO YOURSELF
Today we are joined by International Best Selling Author Jen Gaudet as she share with us powerful insight and techniques from her book “Over My Dead Body: the Art of Saying NO”. This episode will empower you with skill to live as a Thriving Entrepreneur
Making Powerful Use Of Your Most Under Used Talent, Your Voice with Arthur Joseph
Do you know what perhaps the most powerful and underutilized tool you have in your life and your business is?
Would it surprise you to know it is your VOICE
We take our voices for granted, yet often it is the #1 representative of us in the world. People determine so much about who we are, what we mean, and how we show up in the world from the things that come out of our mouth. And yet, most of the words that we speak have little to no power at all.
We have an impact that only we can make. But are we making it?
Arthur Joseph, a vocal coach for the past 52 years to celebrities like Sean Connery, Tony Robbins, Angelina Jolie, Stephen Covey, Jerry Rice, Kareem Abdul Jabbar, and so many more. Plus a whole world full of people in every aspect in life from CEO’s to stay-at-home mom’s. Arthur brings his skill at teaching vocal awareness to you today, to help you make the proper use of your voice. To speak as you. To speak genuinely. To speak with authority, from the heart.
Listen in as Arthur Joseph teaches us all how to make use of our most powerful and most under used talent – our Voice. Today on Thriving Entrepreneur, hosted by Steve Kidd
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