This is our last episode for 2017, and I would like to take this time to tell you how grateful I am to all of you for listening to my show for the entire year.
2017 sent a lot of challenges in my life, but I am still here living and fighting. If this year gave you a lot of wonderful things, I am happy for you. But if this year gave you tons of obstacles, don’t lose hope. See them as blessings. Keep in mind that you don’t have to wait for next year to start over. Every time you wake up in the morning breathing, that is another day and opportunity for you to learn, be thankful, and take action.
I encourage you this year to make a resolution of the things that you will/must do and commit to doing them. Permit yourself to start over every day. Carry all the victories and let the struggles from yesterday stay in the past. Live wholeheartedly in the present. Rejoice why every day is called “today.”
Happy Holidays!