Often we live in personal judgement over things from out past. But today we want to talk about and see all the grace given to us as we are growing as well hopefully remove some of the judgement of ourselves we are experts at. The truth is we need grace as we grow and the first person who needs to give us that grace is ourselves. God always does give us grace as we learn and grow but often we are just too hard on ourselves.
To help us with this first Nolia Idell Alexcee shares from her book “Expectations of a Prisoner’s Wife: The Prisoner Within”. We talk about her and other prisoners wive’s stories and learn from them how to grow for the abuses of the past to a state of personal growth.
Next Bridgett LaRe’ shares from her book “THE FIRST 33 One Woman’s Journey From Trash To Treasure: Part II The Untamable Teenage Years” and we learn that no matter how tumultuous our early years may have been there is grace and peace to take us from what was to a place of personal freedom and abundance
Let’s learn today how to give ourselves grace as we grow on Thriving Entrepreneur.
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