Is your businesses losing money every day. Most businesses are Don’t let your business be one of the ones that leaves money on the table and lets hard work be wasted!
Learn how you can:
• Get more clients
• Make more profit
• Have a bigger company
ALL without doing any more work than you already are and have done.
Would you be interested?
The easiest and most easily missed money and profit in our business is work you have already done. Within every Tweet, every FaceBook post, LinkedIn article and even Pin on Pinterest or video on YouTube there is hidden, available, waiting money. For every blog posts you have already written there is money just sitting there screaming for you to use it again and again and again. All of these things have one thing in common – CONTENT.
Do you know that a Book is already written by you waiting for you? Did you know all you need to do is know to put it together and there is more revenue for your income? All of this not from new work but form work you have already done.
All you need to do it to repurpose the content you already have and put it all in one convenient easy to access place so that people can find it conveniently. People could get to know all about you in one piece of content, but instead we make them wait for months or even years to know us. It is the people who feel like they know enough about us that ultimately are going to buy from us.
From this episode you can learn:
• Why everyone in business SHOULD be creating books
• Where can you can find content for your book
• How to get my book published
• How to get started on your book today
You are a writer!
Now you just need to get published. Host Steve Kidd is joined by friend and local Portland eWN chapter member MJ Schwader. They will show you just how easy it is for you to get your book published on this episode of Thriving Entrepreneur.
To learn more about MJ Schwader go to
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