What story do you have about money?
- Is there enough?
- Is there never enough?
- Are you good with money
- Are you bad with money?
- Do you teach your children good money habits
- Do you manage your money wisely
- Are you always broke or behind
The stories that start in our childhood that we carry into our lives shape the way we handle our money. Our stories have influenced and continue to influence where we currently are financially.
But it doesnt have to stay that way!
Lets spend some time today and take a look at the messages you have been telling yourself; then lets deal with them by:
- Recognizing the messages we tell ourselves
- Expressing the feelings that come with the message we keep telling ourself
- Then let them go! Release the bad money message from our lives
- Replace these messages with a new story that will serve you better
Special guest Joan Sotkin joins host Steve Kidd on this episode of Thriving Entrepreneur to help us identify and replace our current money stories with healthly ones that will serve us
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