What is that stirring inside of you? Is it a message that is in you that is longing to come out. If we know we have a message within us why do we hold back?
We were born with a purpose and a passion, but often our own thoughts and fears get in the way. FEAR=False Evidence Appearing Real, gets in the way of us releasing the message within. The very words that we know that we know we have been given to share with the world remain dormant in our soul.
Then comes the excuses: We say to ourselves that our lives aren’t that interesting. We tell ourselves, “I am just a ___________”. Have you ever said that to yourself? We hide behind the label that the world, or even we, are identified as. Mom, teacher, business person, not adequate, or unimaginative. Do you ever find yourself thinking that about you?
We have bought into a belief that we are less than others. When in truth what we have to share was given to us and is within us for a reason. There is a purpose that only we can fulfill. It is time to stop discounting how special we are and allow the message within to be released. To birth it into the world!
Besides, who would you rather learn about how to be a good mom from, a doctor with no kids, or a mom of 3? Who would you rather learn about being a great business person from, a person who has seen hard times in business and come through them or a person with a degree or worse yet a whole lot of opinions with no experience?
No matter what you have been through in life there is a message that has been born out of that journey. The road you have already travelled is a road someone else is just getting ready to step out on. Wouldnt you have loved to have had a map to know where the landminds were in your journey? Dont you want to share that information with other so that they do not have to go through what you did?
Will that said, going from the acceptance of our gift and through the book creation process can be tough if you dont have someone who has been there help you through it. It is ok to embrace that what we need is some help. We need someone who can step in and help us get out of our own way and really let all of who we are shine!
Today I am joined with an amazing and impactful transformation coach Christine Kloser who works specifically with people to help them release their transformational book to the world. Christine has a proven system that takes people from wanting to be a writer to having a published transformational book. Christine can help you take that message inside of you past the blocks you have put up, the bumps in the road along the way and the negative messages that will come at you from the world. If you, like most people, know you have a purpose and are wanting to know how to write what is in your down, then today is your day. Right now is the time to stop wishing and find out how to get started.
Listen as Christine Kloser talks with Host Steve Kidd about releasing and birthing your transformational book into the world!
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