If you have a business you know you need to marketing. Even though we know we need to let people know about our products or service, often we struggle to find the most effective way for us to let others know what we do. The one key all marketing strategies have in common is people. You have to connect with people. THRIVE Business Development teaches our clients that a very effective way to market yourself is in groups of people just like you. That is why we are so proud to be members of eWomen Network. eWN is a great place to meet like-minded business people that are there to help you as well as looking for help from you. If you really want to Super Boost your marketing you need to connect with people.
Host Steve Kidd is delighted to be joined today with special guest, the managing director of our local eWN chapter here in Portland Chapter. Our good friend and the owner of a fabulous company called Stephanie Connects – Stephanie Arnheim
Today we are going to give you insight into developing connections with people to to increase the effectiveness of your market strategies. We will talk about
The importance of people in our marketing.
Marketing on purpose.
Having a plan for your marketing and not just rely on other talking about you
How to make good use of networking
How to boost the impact of our marketing immediately
We invite you to join Steve and Stephanie to find ways to take your business marketing to the next level.
Show Transcript
Hi this is Steve, welcome to Thriving Entrepreneur if you have a business then you know you need to market it but even though we know we need to let people know about our products, our service is after we struggle with understanding what is the most effective way to let others know what we do to the one key all marketing strategies have in common is they involve people, you have to connect with people. For years Kathy and I have been teaching clients that perhaps the number 1 Most Effective Way to market yourself is in groups of people just like you that is why we’re so proud to be a member of the woman network and it’s a great way to meet like-minded business people that are there to help you as well as looking for help for their business.
If you really want to super boost your marketing and you need to connect with people, places like EWN network are a great resource for that. This is one of the reasons why I’m so delighted to be joined today with my very special guest the managing director of the Portland chapter 4E woman network and my local manager and director or good friend and the owner of a fabulous company called Stephanie connect, Stephanie Arnheim
Steve: Hi Stephanie, how are you today?
Stephanie: great Steve I’m so glad to be with you today, it’s very exciting to help you launch your radio network.
Steve: Oh yeah we’ve been having a lot fun with it getting to know the people out there and bringing some really good information to them. We’re excited today to talk to you about something we know is near and dear to your heart, connecting with people so much so that you even name your company Stephanie Connects.
Stephanie: yes I did.
Steve: Talk to us a little bit about the importance of people when we’re making a marketing plan.
Stephanie: people are critical to every part of your marketing program. The connection is all about building relationships and when you’re sharing yourself you’re sharing your connection, your sharing how you can grow your business, your marketing yourself but you’re also marketing your business at the same time and it’s part of who you are and the only way to really build that connection, that relationship to grow your business is for people to know and the like and trust you and how they can do that is through building the relationships and I help people understand that through learning about the value of networking.
Steve: Talk to us a little bit more about that, what is the real true value of networking?
Stephanie: That’s a great question Steve because people kind of misunderstand the true value of networking. Networking is the core to building your business brand. When you are setting up your marketing plan, when you’re working with people such as you and Kathy you need to go out beyond doing just social media per se and networking is one of the key strategies to help in building your whole marketing success. For example when I became a managing director for our Portland chapter in E Women Network about a year ago it was maybe about oh I don’t know about 60 members or so and about 30 or 40 were showing up at our meetings. My 1st job was to reactivate those who weren’t coming in acquired new members I had a marketing goal of reaching 100 members in our chapter by the end of last year December and I did it through networking.
I worked on building the relationships by making phone calls and going to networking and I wanted to find those who were interested in building their relationships and building their connections and I went to a ton of networking events, I followed up, I called them personally, invited them, sat down with them, to see if E Women Network was a good fit so how they would build their business. If I could help them I invited them in and it isn’t always a good fit depending on where people are in their businesses so if it wasn’t then I wanted to give them ideas about other networking opportunities in town, whether it be things I do with Stephanie Connects or with other groups because it’s important to build a mutually beneficial connection through the networking relationship and you need to get a clear idea of how you are presenting yourself in order to find what resonates best with you and for how you are representing your business. So that was just one of the ways I used that so networking is really an extension of your marketing.
Steve: I like that, the concept of a mutually beneficial connection. I think maybe that’s one of the places that people go, you know they stumble up so quickly is because they’re kind of going into a networking event with a “me, me, me, take, take, take attitude” . I know I’ve heard many different times said the whole concept of sharing, of giving 1st and then reaping the rewards of that giving. Do you find that to be true as well?
Stephanie: Absolutely with E Women Network it’s a perfect example of 1st in share all with and whether you’re doing that and that definitely transfers directly to networking. You want to be viewed in the community at your networking you want to be viewed as a resource you don’t want to go to any kind of networking event and then go all that person is trying to sell me”. Your purpose is not to go and tell yourself. Your purpose is to the build the relationships and you can do that by becoming known as a resource you and that’s where you’re creating the connection, you’re maintaining the relationships and you’re continually doing that with sharing each other, finding out where are the common ground which you know includes asking good questions, those kind of things whenever you’re out so that you’re always used as a resource.
Steve: That’s a great thing you know one of my early mentors when I was just starting in business said something to me that had just stuck with me ever since. She said “people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” and the core of that is that whole concept of giving 1st often either people are so busy always giving and they never also share what they have need for or they’re so busy selling that they never realize that the people don’t really like them because they are just too pushy it’s the age-old all the horror stories we’ve heard about the early days of some other network marketing companies where a person would invite somebody to a baseball game for their son and it ended up being a person setting up a whiteboard and giving a presentation on their particular multilevel marketing company’s. So I think that’s really important are there some key that you think people can do to really express to others when they go to events like that that they really are genuinely interested in them, they care about them?
Stephanie: It’s kind of interesting in the networking world, there’s kind of a split in terms of things I hear and starting tips one of the key things that I find in building the relationships is when you go to a networking event your goal is not to meet the room. Some people will say yes, yes you must but I disagree entirely. Your goal is to build the relationships and your goal is to meet one or two key people that can help you build that relationship and one of the ways to do that is asking quality questions; taking the time making good eye contact not making the person feel uncomfortable by staring them down but pay attention don’t be in a rush and ask some really good quality question.
In my workshop I go more into detail about the types of questions to ask but it’s more than just what you do. You know you want to know what they do and have the time there wearing a name badge, they should be wearing a name badge but you don’t know exactly after you get that initial introduction is asking them some key questions as to maybe who is your ideal client or even if you’re nervous you know just what brought you here? Just break the ice and you’ll find you have some common ground and those are the ways to really start to build that relationship. And remember the 1st time you meet someone is not the end and that’s why you had mentioned it to you don’t ask for the sale you can tell by those network marketing people who wanted to just get you on their team per se it’s about building the relationship and figuring out how can you help each other that it can extend past that first time you meet them.
Because remember whenever you meet someone it really takes at least 7 to 8 times of seeing them in different times before you’re even beginning to build the trust where they’re going to either ask for business or give you business or feel comfortable and for them remembering you.
Steve: That’s a really good helpful tips because as a salesperson and some of you know my background I’ve literally been selling since I was 5. After 42 years of selling I have actually found that the biggest truth you can find in sales is that people buy from people that they like, admire and trust. We don’t really buy from people not even in grocery stores or retail settings that we don’t like. If a salesperson turned us off in a department store we will walk out even when we have a need we will go to someplace else, there’s too many other options. so we need to make sure that as a remarketing, as representing ourselves and our company to the people that we help them know that we genuinely care for them, that they generally are interested in getting to know them so that we can begin to build that like, admire and trust that can later on lead to business.
I think that the great thing that we’re going to pick up after the break here is to talk a little bit more in detail establishing trust with people and really getting to know people; to really truly genuinely invest in the people that were meeting at an event so that they can begin to feel comfortable with us and we entered can begin to form a bond with them so we’re going to come back after the break and were going to talk more about that getting to know people.
So Stephanie I’d like for you to talk a little bit about that having a plan for your marketing and not just relying on hoping that other people are going to say nice things about you
Stephanie: that’s a very good point Steve because your marketing plan is obviously diverse you’re going to have different parts and I want to really focus in on having portion of it being on your networking; your networking is the key part of your marketing plan and that’s going to be also around what are your business goals. Now Sandra Yancey our founder of E Women network says “success is scheduled and being prepared drives your success” so when you have your goals and you put them into your marketing plan and part of them should be your networking plan where as you said you’re building the trust because the way you’re going to build the trust is by building these relationships and you do this strategically. You’re going to be putting in place, going to start networking type of events that help you achieve your business goals and you always want to become top of mind with other people so when you’re doing a one on one that’s one of your touch points with people and then you’re also going to start new events so that people even just physically see you across the room, “Oh there’s Steve again, oh I spoke to him last week that was really cool” but you’re talking to someone else and that’s fine too.
Let me give you an example of someone that I know that has strategically changed per their marketing plan how they are increasing their business. This is a friend of mine that I have known for years and I met her in a different networking group actually and she realized that she wanted; about a year or two ago, she wanted to develop in each in her marketing with her business and she decided she walked wanted to focus in on the senior market. So she joined some networking groups that just dealt with the senior market and she’s now doing advertising in senior publications and she created a presence as an expert in her field and she continues to nurture those relationships in the senior market. Now is she’s still a friend, I mean I’m still friends with her I’m not in the same groups her but that doesn’t matter the thing is you have to realize that you need to change your networking focus as you change your business focus and that’s an example of being intentional with using your marketing goals and using your networking plan.
Steve: That makes a lot of sense. We talked so much and last week both about having a focus for your brand and Jenna and I on our very 1st episode as well as we talked about with the director of the Seattle chapter Debbie Whitlock not about the fact that we need a plan and what were doing that people don’t plan to fail, they just failed to make a plan and in marketing maybe more or at least as important as any of the other segments of our business we really need to plan out and not just hope that things come together.
There is an age old saying “If you aim at nothing you’ll probably hit it” and that’s very true. What are some of the really specific things that we should do when we’re thinking about forming a marketing plan?
Stephanie: You need to make sure when you’re doing a marketing plan you want to have specific goals, and they want to be measurable goals and realistic with where you’re going but you always wanted to make them stretching the realistic. So you want to really push yourself but you want to do it as something that you know is attainable. When I became managing director at a year ago and I wanted to hit 100 members by the end of last year and we were about at 60-ish or so, I made that 100 member as my goal. It was a reach but it wasn’t unrealistic. If I had said 250 members well that’s not very realistic.
So you always want to create goals that stretching the realistic but are going to push you and within that you always want to break down your goals into action steps, scheduled them with what’s going on with your business. Now for myself I have a couple businesses so you have to be realistic about your strategy and that’s where having someone like you Steve; you and Kathy are very helpful at helping people understand what are some realistic goals, still helping the client know what is possible but also helping them understand their limits as to well let’s look at it this way, that give you some ideas and you always want to have a marketing team too. You always want to have people hire out the things that you are not good at.
For me I need help with social media, I have a business coach, I have a Virtual Assistant, I need help on those areas that I’m not strong on, I’m a great organizer and I’m a great connector. I don’t mind using the phone I know other people hate the phone so they use email more or they may do video chat or things like that. You always want to put into place in your marketing plan the areas that you’re good at and the areas that you need help with. Does that make sense?
Steve: That’s a great tip yeah so that you’ve already identified out front I’m going to need to find somebody to help me with this, even if it’s temporary you know rather than to quote Jessica Butts from our show a couple weeks ago “Rather than doing the things that you suck at, we really have to come to terms with the fact that we need to stop doing what we suck at. We really need to be uniquely brilliant at what we are uniquely brilliant at and then also give opportunity within our business to let other people’s unique brilliant shine through in what they do”. It’s just for me one of the most fulfilling parts about being in business is when you can take something and it just to really allow somebody else to shine and often marketing is one of those places where a lot of people need help you know, it may not be everything like you said it may be you just need some basic social media expert. You may be really great at connecting with the people but you need somebody who then takes the whole stack of business cards which you get from the EWN network meeting and have somebody actually follow up with an email and talk to them about stuff. All of those I think are really legitimate things that are places that we may need help. Do you think that’s true?
Stephanie: Oh absolutely. It makes me laugh, I don’t need to be gender specific but there’s always this a running joke about when you’re driving woman would put over and ask for directions and often men won’t but I don’t want to be lost and I don’t want to waste my time’s and I know I don’t always have a good sense of direction. So you have to know it’s the same with business and marketing’s where you need help. It doesn’t always feel the best to have to admit that I’m not good at this but its okay because in the long run you really will help yourself move faster and much more build your business financially by asking for help. It’s really okay and one of the other things that you touched on Steve that I always, always want to reinforce is on follow-ups. As you said what do you do with those business cards? What do you do after you attended a meeting? But that’s just the beginning of the whole process and if you really want to build your marketing and build those relationships follow ups is a critical step to you moving forward.
Steve: Absolutely, if we collect 1000 names or 2 names if we don’t then continue to connect with those people it really didn’t make a whole lot of sense to spend the time, whether it’s a virtual situation or a live one on one meeting. You need to stay connected with the people that’s part of the reason why I love your company name Stephanie connects is because it always brings to the forefront that the need to stay connected to the people that we need you know we don’t just meet them and be like oh well I’m glad I went to that event and got”, it’s not a competition to see who can get the most business cards. It’s really truly about making connections with people.
As we said right at the beginning people are the most important part of our marketing campaign we need to be invested in the people around us so that they know that we care and so that when they see something that we feel that need for they’ll recommend us. I think that’s something really great for us to think about always when we’re putting together a marketing plan. So we are going to take another break and when we come back for going to get down some of some of the nitty-gritty of just how to make good use of networking. What kind of things should you network with? How do I may be doing the 1st time if I’ve never done it and some of those kind of things so will be back in just a couple of minutes.
And now we’re going to talk about what Stephanie is an expert at and have her give us some advice on how do we approach networking. Maybe it’s the 1st time that somebody is going to step out and go to a networking event. Just tell us some of the nitty-gritty details of how to be good at networking.
Stephanie: Well Steve, this is where the rubber meets the road as they say because you could waste a lot of time networking if you don’t think about it strategically. I call myself a business networking strategist because that’s how I’m always approaching everything, everything is a strategy but I also want to say keep it fun because if you get too wrapped up and too nervous about it and you don’t keep it on that phone level you’re not going to want to do it so there is a fine line between those 2 so I always encourage people to have a plan in place because when you have a plan in place when you’re going to a networking event are going to feel much calmer about it because you just follow the plan. It’s the same as what we’ve talked about previously you know your marketing plan; the networking event is part of your marketing plan and so you always want to know your networking plan. I often help clients to develop what often is termed in our industry as the “Elevator Speech” so that you go in and you’re not just babbling away and you see people’s eyes glaze over and they’re like thinking how can you get away from this person? You don’t want to think about it from that perspective, you want to be prepared, you want to feel confident, you don’t want to be selling like they had said you know those salespeople that we just couldn’t wait to get away from and you want to have a goal of who you’re willing to talk to when you go to a networking event.
If you are in a business like my friend who was looking for people that were related to the senior market well when she was going to the networking event she was going to ask people who do you know that might be doing financial planning or being in real estate or going into some area and don’t ever think that because you’re talking to a and natural bar they may not know someone who could help you that’s one of the biggest mistakes people do in networking; they make assumptions when they meet someone that that person can’t help them. When in reality each person does over 200 people in their contacts sphere that could help them find the right person to talk to so building the relationship with each person that you meet can often lead to your, your next best power partner, your next best assistant. You just don’t know unless can good questions and take the time and that’s where it takes practice. So showing up and practicing, having your plan, practice some more don’t worry if you messed up it’s a great way to just laugh it off because if you find you messed up on your elevator speech and you are at an event you go “wait a 2nd can I do a do over?” And they’ll laugh and actually you know you will build more respect from that person than just trying to do a ‘can speech’ over and over.
It’s basically being real, following your plan, showing up and keep going because the first time you go to one networking event it may not be the same as the next you go to that event because different people show up. So I also encourage people keep going but be strategic. Don’t just go because there’s an event that night think about who you’re trying to meet and don’t be afraid to ask
Steve: Well and without making the whole show seems like a pitch for E Women Network which I know both of us are very, very hot on and think is an awesome networking group to be a part of one of the things that I like is the format of how we do things and that asking people to tell and elevator pitch of who they are you know just a little what can you say in 30 seconds about you that is exciting and enticing? Not just 30 seconds of ‘ands and alms’ but really what do you do and how can you say that and then secondly we always ask people to say something that they need and also then something that they have to offer and so even if you’re going to a different type of networking event, because there’s a ton of them having that as a plan in your mind is a really good place to start. What is my elevator pitch? What is it that I need from others and what is it that I have that I can give to others? Can you think of anything else besides those 3 Stephanie that is something that regardless of the network event a person should have kind of ready to do when they go to a networking event?
Stephanie: Yeah, following up on that Steve one of the things that we do at the accelerated networking events, the luncheons or dinners in some cities the accelerated networking event and our strategic business intro mastermind, the 4 questions as you said who you are, what we do you, you know what do we need; and I like to ask ‘Tell me a success story.’ ‘Tell me something that would make me understand how you have helped someone’ because everybody wants to help each other. That that whenever were able to help someone we feel we are doing our best of the most the paying attention still being strategic about who you are talking to, if you’re in a group of women tell a success story about someone that you helped with that is the woman. If you’re in a group of businessmen, think along the lines of businessmen.
So think about your group, like I did a small networking event. I went and did some networking tips to a group of health professionals. Well I give them some tips to how to relate and talking to other people they’re with health professionals you’re going to hear your success story about someone in that field and keeping that in mind is a very easy way to build the trust and build a more solid relationship without you’re not selling. Again you’re not selling at all, you’re just telling people who you are and it shows the genuine side. You will come across genuine because you’re proud of what you have achieved and that’s a great way to show your true colors. Does that make sense?
Steve: It does, absolutely. We were talking about a couple weeks ago the definition of humility and a lot of people don’t know this because typically when we think of somebody that’s humble we think of somebody that’s self-evasive, you know they’re talking bad about themselves, they have low self-esteem but really the true definition of humility is having a right perspective of yourself. So as I like to tell people, ‘you are awesome’, ‘you are awesome at what you do’ and it’s being humble to be honest about it, you don’t have to be a braggart about it but to let others know what you do and be proud of what you do is a big piece of it. And I agree with you; the more you can go to things like that and practice even if it’s just a minute or 2 you know that gives you such a great opportunity to be able to practice your elevator pitch. There’s nothing quite like having to have to say your elevator pitch out loud to make you go that really sounded great in writing but it doesn’t sound so great when I’m saying it out loud and you know and it’s good to practice those kind of things.
We like to in a mastermind; we got this from one of our coaches actually, we like to do a time where we let everybody do a celebration on something good that’s happened to them since the last time we’re in, the last week or what have you because it is important to celebrate ourselves especially as Solopreneurs or work from home people or even small businesses because it’s not like working in a corporation with a couple thousand people where you got awards recognitions and all kinds of things that are coming your way. You have to really learn how to be able to blow your own horn and award yourself. Are there any tips that you could give people on how to celebrate what’s gone good in there we in a way that is impactful to others in meetings like that?
Stephanie: There’s a couple of things that come to mind Steve. I’ve been taught this and then I also follow it is you always want to celebrate your success is and I don’t know if it’s especially with woman we tend to push them aside like you work hard especially as a Solopreneur , you work really hard to achieve your goals and you go all yeah, yeah, yeah but I need to do this and I need to do this, I haven’t completed this part of my marketing plan and you know I haven’t completed the social media part, no take your time and celebrate your success and often I will say when you reach your goal; whether it’s monthly goal is figure out ahead of time. Give yourself a gift. So whether it’s like go get a massage, go get a manicure, buy yourself a favorite book, do something for yourself that will make you feel good and tell people, tell your friends. It’s okay to blow your horn and something also I think most women or Entrepreneurs will say “well, I just had so much other things to do”. Take moment celebrate your success, tell your family, tell your friends and tell them what you’re up to because also we make the assumption that we’re in this entrepreneurial bubble and that others can’t really understand where we’re at. We may assume they understand but they don’t so it’s important to let especially our family and our friends as well as our business associates whether it’s on Facebook, whether it’s on LinkedIn, whether is just making a phone call. I think the phone is one of the most underused strategies around. People just don’t like to talk on the phone but, we’re not talking having a half hour conversation, we’re just saying call a friend for a couple of minutes, take a five minute break say “How’s it going? Hey, I wanted to tell you what’s up, let me share with you what I just did. I feel so great. Would you like to setup a time to have lunch?” something like that is very impactful on a deeper level that what people really think.
Steve: Absolutely, it encourages others when we share what’s going good in our lives when we share what’s going good in our lives to flip their mindset from all of the things, because we all have life, you know the kids get sick, you’re running late for meetings I mean just all the real-world things that happen but when you hear somebody else give a success, especially when it’s something small but tangible it helps you immediately make a mind shift of well hey I can do something like that, you know I can do 10 minutes of exercise this week or I can eat at this next meal or I can do 5 tweets today or I can do 5 tweets this week or I can remember to post on Facebook once this week with something that’s helpful and insightful to my potential customers, and even those little things we can celebrate them. This I’ve often work with clients and had them break down their goals into very, very small chunks and then give themselves a reward, and maybe the reward because the chunk is so small is something as simple as going and getting yourself a cup of coffee from Starbucks or something; it’s worth it to reward you for having met a goal and for you moving your business forward so we are going to take one last break here and then we’re going to come back and give you a few last tips here on how you can make the most out of your marketing and working with others.
I’m here with my special guest Stephanie Arnheim and we have been talking about marketing your business and connecting with people to market your business; speaking of which Stephanie, your company is called “Stephanie Connects” and you are the Director of the Portland Chapter of E Women Network. Tell us a little bit about how people could connect with you.
Stephanie: Thank you Steve, well there are two ways seeing that E Women Radio Network, I can’t help but give a shout out to our Portland Oregon Chapter as Managing Director I’d like to invite people to look at ewomennetwork.com and go to the Portland, Oregon Chapter website to take a look for upcoming events. We would love to have you come visit us and check us out. Come to a Strategic Business Intro or come to an Accelerated Networking Event.
On separately, I’m very excited about Stephanie Connects. I help entrepreneurs as well as anyone dealing with any kind of sales to learn more how to build your business fast through networking. I do workshops and training, I lead my own workshops or I can come in to companies and lead specific training geared toward your sales force. You can go to my website at stephanieconnects.com to learn more about how I can help your company and just as a little aside, for those in the Portland, Oregon area on January 24th I’m leading a workshop entitled ‘Profitable Secret Networking Strategies Revealed’ and it’s an interactive fun workshop where you’ll learn all kinds of tips about reading the room, how to make the most out of attending a networking event which is helping you to leverage your business and your profits for your company. So again you can go to my website at stephanieconnects.com for more details, feel free to give me a call and would love to help you further with that.
Steve: That’s awesome yea I hope some of you will go and check out stuff at stephanieconnects.com Stephanie is an awesome connector. I happen to even know; she didn’t mention it but she actually is willing to go with you to a networking event if it’s your first time and help you deal with that. That’s one of the services she offers. So I mean if you’re scared and you’re like ‘I’d really like to do some of these things these guys said but I really don’t know if I can do it by myself.” Hey, if you’re in our area Stephanie would gladly do that with you and of course we’d love to see you at our next meeting which is next Wednesday; a week from this coming Wednesday will be the next meeting but if you can catch that one anytime you’re in the Portland area and we have a meeting, we’d love to see you. So feel free to check out the E Women Network as well. So before we go Stephanie, let’s leave the people with some things that they can do today. What’s the number 1 thing a person who really wants to get their marketing in order could do right now to impact their marketing?
Stephanie: Well Steve, that’s a great question there’s so many key things it’s hard to pick a number 1 so I’m going to give you a couple. Having a Marketing Plan is key and having goals in place. If you don’t know how to do it get a Business Coach, it’s very imperative. I’m not saying that just because you are one but I truly believe in that Sandra Yancy has 3 coaches I know and you need to feel comfortabl , need to get help for what you need and I think having a business and marketing coach is imperative especially as a Solopreneur to helping you move forward in your business.
Along the lines of that I’ve had an accountability partner for over 5 years for the different businesses I’ve been in and that also is a way as you mentioned before about helping you to celebrate your successes and helping you motivate you. I mean it doesn’t need to be anyone in your field at all it’s just someone that you relate with that you can help each other stay accountable and help make sure that you do celebrate those successes and help you feel motivated to move forward. Those are 2, I find really, really key tips cause remember networking is all about making connections and building enduring and mutually beneficial key relationships. I personally always want people to have fun with it and I love to help people develop their networking skills too as they go forward in building their business.
Steve: I think that those are such great pieces of advice. I think it’s really key for people to understand that people understand when you care and people understand when you don’t. Be genuinely uniquely yourself, I’m not telling you to change your personality or act the way that somebody else does but let your uniqueness out and then genuinely be interested in finding the uniqueness in others. If you show people how much you care it will reflect in their response back to you. People can tell when you’re genuinely interested in them and when you’re just really there just trying to (to use the phrase) ‘hawk your wares’, there’s a big difference between those two kind of things and I really encourage you invest yourself in people. You are uniquely brilliant, designed, created for a purpose and the world needs you and the people that you come in contact with are uniquely designed, created for a purpose and the world needs them so I you approach each person as Og Mandino says in his book The Greatest Salesperson in the World ” I’m going approach every single person with love in my heart and I will greet them and say that I love them”.
Now that’s direct quote from his book The Greatest Salesperson in the World and I love that approach to meeting people that before you even open your mouth you’re saying inside of yourself I genuinely care about you and I want to get to know you. If you do that the people will know, people don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care and when they do know how much you genuinely care it will shine through. If you’ll do those kinds of things that is some of the things you can do to not only super boost your marketing but to help you spend your days in business as a Thriving Entrepreneur. Have a great week!
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