Want to know how to transform your life and business?
Learn what is perhaps the most powerful and most under used secret to growing your business – THE REAL YOU!!
Listen to this episode to be empowered today to release the real you into your business. You will be amazed to see how dynamically this transforms your business.
Learn the Power of Personality Type
So often we become convinced that we are not good enough, or that if people knew the real us they wouldn’t like us. This negative self-image IS NOT the truth. The uniquely brilliant you is just what the world needs. We are going to show you how! Today host Steve Kidd is talking with Psychotherapist, Coach, Hypnotherapist and Myers-Briggs Speaker/Trainer Jessica Butts. Jessica will share the importance of being who you really are.
- Listen in to learn your specific personality type.
- Discover how you can bring the best of who you are into your business.
- Find the answer for how to make use of your personality and let it shine in your business.
- Discover what being the authentic you can mean to your business.
- Find out how maximizing the true you will empower growth in your company.
Be empowered today to take your business to the next level by allowing your personality to shine and transform how you approach your life and business.
Show Transcript
Steve Kidd: Hi, this is Steve, thanks so much to all of you who have being listening over the past week to our first episode and welcome to all of you who this is the first time you tune into us. I’m so excited to be doing this show and I’m really excited today to be talking to you about perhaps what is one of the most insightful hidden secrets in growing your business and that’s been yourself. I think sometimes we don’t understand how uniquely wonderful we are and how much the world needs to you. You will be amazed today to find out how much your business will transformed and grow when you know and accept your personality type and release the real you into your business.
I’m honored today to be join by Psycho-therapist, Teacher, Speaker, Myers Briggs Trainer; Jessica Butts
Steve Kidd: Hi, Jessica
Jessica Butts: Hi, Steve I’m super excited to be here with you. Great intro too
Steve Kidd: Oh, well thank you
Jessica Butts: Yeah,
Steve Kidd: we have really looking forward for this, I was even telling Kathy about this couple days ago, when we very first was talking about doing radio shows. This was the first one that came into my mind. I was thinking about this. It’s amazing to me how people personalities come together. If you could just start us off by telling us a little bit about you and the importance of the person’s personality in the life of their business.
Jessica Butts: Yeah, you bet it such a humongous topic, I literally spend my life talking about and I’m crazy passionate about it. A few years ago I discovered a problem. I’m a massive reader and a self development expert, Psychotherapist and really have transformed my life and now my work is to help people transform their life. In all of my reading and my research. They said the 10,000hrs you have put in I realized there’s a problem out there. That everyone the great authors of the world, even Oprah’s and the Brown’s and all of those people that I’m absolutely involved with. There’s been this problem I discovered, they tell you to go figure out your unique brilliance, go figure out the things that you are amazing at and then go do them. When I was reading and before I understood type I didn’t know what that was and I also see in other type of persons that we all want that, but we don’t really understand what that mean. What is our unique brilliance? What are things that we shouldn’t be spending so much time? Where should we be putting all our energy and where should we not put our energy? So in all of that through my schooling, through working with countless clients through the years and also been a ‘Type Expert’. I really created my own version of understanding your Unique Brilliance, I have called it. ‘Live your life from the front seat.’ Anybody wants more information on this they could go to ‘liveyoulifefromthefrontseat.com’ and it just a system, kind of a method to help people understand the Myers Briggs tool a little bit better, because another problem I discovered that people forget. They don’t understand it. There are all these letters that people forget I’m I an E or I and they forget the way how they go together and to me that’s ashamed, because it is one of the best tool out there for all of us to figure out who we really are. Whether it is our life, business, relationship, it is of our utmost importance to figure it out. So with those two problems out there I really put this system together for people just have a funny and unique way of understanding their personality type, so that they remembered it and they can have language around it, so that it usable and funny. You can use it with your kid, you can use it at work, you can use at different aspect of your life. Again some people are actually using it.
Steve Kidd: Do you find that there are a lot of people are surprised by the personality they have or didn’t even know what’s their personality type is?
Jessica Butts: most people don’t really know their type and if they do know their type so they understand it. In my experience some people have interaction with their type, whether they taken it in the military, in a job, in college, someone always seem to have taken it. It’s again the shame and the problem that I’ve seen out there they don’t even get it. They were told these four letter words they don’t remember and they don’t understand what it means. The point of taking it is to understand what it means so it can help guide your life. Because all type C is innate meaning we were born this way I know you and I are both Christians and we believed we were created by God as we are created by God we were given a personality type. You and I came out of the womb with our type. Lady Gaga says we were born this way. Been able to live your life the way we were literally created to live our life is a very, very powerful thing and so it so much more with understanding these letters because all 4 different dichotomy that Myers Briggs talk about and then there is 16 different type and there was all different type of information that people again, I think find incredibly validating, so once they actually understand it and they not given this information or given these 4 letters. There is actually so much you can do with it and the part of it is living your life from the front seat. So to answer your question, yes I think that most people have had some experience with it but in my experience, very, very few probably less than 10% of the population actually understand what it means and to me, it an incredible shame and so again that why I develop this tool for people to understand it and once they do. I find that they are not shocked by it. In fact probably 100% of the time it’s validating. It’s one of those feelings that you have when someone tells you something that you’ve known about yourself that you know really long time, but society need to beat it out of you or your family or your school or whatever that told you that you’re not supposed to be a certain way and when going through your type. Then really walking through this chronology that I’ve come up with people validated. I would say majority of the time there’s tears involved, because it’s an intense validation, I’m not crazy. I am normal, all of these feelings that I have about myself are the things that I’ve known that I’m really good at. It feels good to be validated and that is one of the joys of doing this work. It makes me a little teary to just thinking about it, just walking the people I get to work with having that validation and how that feeling of oh my gosh is who I am, this is how I suppose to be living my life and there is no greater satisfaction for me. The world has seen people realized that and then start living their lives from that place.
Steve Kidd: I can totally understand, I think especially I have some personal experience with this because I happen to be married to an introvert and I’m an extrovert , which basically mean I like to be around people and she just stay home. I watched her go through the transformation, the cause on a person’s life when you realized being introverted which is different from what you have to be outside in the world. You know it’s not some kind of craziness. It’s actually just who you are and that ok too. It is so much fun to watch her give herself permission to like who the way she is. Rather than feeling like something must be wrong cause I’m not out there like other people are.
Jessica Butts: Your wife and I have done amazing work together too on her personality type and so the two areas that you’re talking about speak specifically to the introvert that she experience with. I don’t write the rules but we live in an extroverted world. Our world is designed to validate and reward extroversion and so there are a lot of feelings that introvert have. That they suppose to and be a certain way and there’s a lot of shame and guilt of what’s wrong with me kind of feeling and reality is there is absolutely nothing wrong with you. When I talk about this we do a lot of apologizing, we labeled people and we feel that something wrong with us instead of learning our type, really understanding the nuance of who we really are so that I can feel validating and feel normal and feel ok to embrace who we are and Kathy is a great example of somebody who’s done that in two different areas, one, her introversion and second, her intuitive- typeness. I’m guessing a lot of our listeners have listen my show I’ve done here in Seattle too our Intuitive type being able to embraced that is a challenge to our Society something I want to talk a little more of.
Steve Kidd: let’s make a note of that we are going to talk in the next segment mainly about the different types and especially about being intuitive, but going into that if you could just give us 30 seconds definition of what does it mean to be intuitive?
Jessica Butts: Intuitive-typeness that psychonomy we sensing an intuition about how we take in information, so sensor take in information via their 5 senses and intuitive type take information from the world via their 6th sense. Got a hunch or speculation about something the interesting part about this is the division of the population. 75% of the population is sensor and 25% is the intuitive types, which is fascinating in itself. It factors in greatly of how intuitive types feel about themselves and the world and again I think it’s something helpful to talk to the listeners about today.
Steve Kidd: Great, let’s talk about that so people can how do I use my personality. I got these four letters, but how does that work especially if I’m thinking about how do I run my business, what do I do? Do I just run and slap these four letters on my home page and then everybody would know how to do business with me? So what we do right after the break we come back and talk specifically what these letters mean and how can I use them so I can really be who I was created to be. You know I like to use the example and I admit it freely I stole it from T.D. Jakes, he talks about the fact that we are so uniquely special that actually it was in the exact microseconds that our conception happened. That it is the only way for us to have been conceived and if it had been any other people any other moment in time you wouldn’t existed and he said point blank that God is so in having us exist that was foremost above and beyond who our parents were the circumstances of our lives or any kind of those things I think when we take how unique we are in the world it could happen in that finite of a time frame. It really can expect us to accept ourselves and then really empower ourselves to really step out in the world and be that all we are as opposed to what the world tells us or other people had told us who we should be. We are going to break and when we come back we talk more with Jessica about how we can be the best us we can possibly be.
We are here with Jessica Butts and we are here to talk about the personality types and how uniquely special you are and how to uniquely bring out the personality of your uniqueness.
Welcome back Jessica
Jessica Butts thanks so much, fabulous conversation, one I literally cannot f=get enough of. It’s wonderful, thank you.
Steve Kidd you’re welcome. We were talking in the last segment about your personality, how uniquely special you are. I’ll like you to dive into that it’s not just 4 letters or name tag or something. What is the importance AND HOW DO YOU KNOW YOURS?
Jessica Butts that is a great question and unfortunately not enough time to answer on this show. Let me make it an opportunity for listeners on my website, I have 7 videos, go to my website on buster.com enter your information there and you get the videos to figure out your self assessment. What it does is to walk through the four different areas. It’s very important to know what your preference is for the 4 dichotomy. The 4 dichotomy are introversion and extroversion, sensing and intuition, thinking and feeling and judging and perceiving. The reason it’s so vitally important to figure out in the beginning it’s not only each dichotomy of itself. Fascinating in our life, business and relationship, but then from there it helps to figure out our whole 16 model types and figure out our car. The car thing I’m talking about how to live your life in the front seat, then the back are areas in your life you want to avoid. Before we jump into that let me give you a little background about what this is. The 4 dichotomy are Myer Briggs way of talking about 4 functional areas in our live
Introversion and Extroversion is how we get our best energy and give our best energy. You have mentioned earlier you’re an extrovert and you really give and get your best energy from being out in the world. There is so much more to it but in the limited time that we have. We need to go through quickly, but if you want more information there are tones of information on my website. Introvert on the other hand they get and give energy from been by themselves. It retards them to be alone and I’m sure being married to Kathy you two experiences this type of dichotomy and it’s not about necessarily pathologising each other. Just literally understanding we are all different and then how we go about managing this in our lives, business and relationship. For business owners out there knowing that you are an extrovert that gives you energy and if you sit down all day and your self employed and you’re not interacting with anybody you’re in your own office, you’re working on books or whatever that is not good for your energy, that is actually going to suck your energy. You and I, Steve we actually get energy from being with our client. On the other hand, Kathy for her, that more of energy drains, she actually gets energy from sitting behind her computer and doing research and working on tax, working on things which she could be alone. Work on things inside her head.
You and I are more external processors, if you’re thinking about business and your energy you have to be aware of your personality types that you can give not only your best self to your business but also give your best self to yourself that your energy can keep maintained. When introvert are giving too much to the world and to the business, it exhorts them. When extroverts are spending too much time alone the reverse is true.
The next dichotomy is about sensor and intuition, the last time we talk about interesting impulsiveness, so I won’t go through that in as much details as before. This is all about how we take in information and 75% of the population takes in information in a very factual concrete literal way via their 5 senses, meaning if they can touch, taste, feel, hear and see it’s a fact. Therefore, our world is really designed to be reward and set up for these kinds of people, since the population is so skewed in that area. School and businesses are really designed against 4 sensors. Intuitive types on the other hand I called them the ‘woo-woo’ people. They are the ones who have their heads in the cloud a little bit; they are little out there, and they very interpersonal development always thinking about what’s next. I called them ‘what ifer’s.
Hey, honey what if we move to Costa Rica or sell pineapples at the side of the road; what if we move to Paris for the year or the kids studying abroad. What if we went to Iceland for the winter or whatever? There’s always the need to be doing something outside the box. Where Sensors is really great at living in the moment, the greatest at working 9-5 job, the greatest at day to day routine of living life. For Intuitive type, actually painful because they always planned for the future, always thinking about what next. How do I get out of this 9-5 job? How do I design my life outside of the box? In relationship there can be a struggle. I was married for 20 years to a very strong sensing type and I’m a very strong intuitive type and it was a battle for us for a number of years. He and I are still friends, we had dinner the other night and I’m putting up book from the front seat live your live from the front seat. I was telling him, how it’s going to be full color. How I want the experience to be for the readers and I described the theme and energy of the book. Intuitive type think very big picture and they can see concepts of things before even the details. The very question he asked me and all Sensors can understand ‘Was that taken from the Revenue? If I was married to him I would probably be pissed, I just laugh and say oh, honey this is why we are so different. It doesn’t mean you have to get divorced, please understand. Not exactly why we get divorced. It such a different perception to him facts didn’t make sense, from a revenue. From his standpoint, he was saying I don’t understand why you would do that. You’re writing a book to put your message across not to make money and I’m thinking not really. I want this to be an experience for the readers; I would pick up a book like that. I want a full color beautiful piece of all kind of work with amazing content. I thought what a perfect example this is, kind of different mindset of how we take in information. Sensory they take up a book they want to see black and white word to teach them the fact.
Intuitive type wants to take up a book and have an experience with the book. Neither one is right or wrong, but if you are running a business, you need to know who your target audience is and be speaking to them. For me, my target audience is intuitive type and yes people say to me or you seriously limiting yourself from 75% of the population and my answer is yes, I guess I am. Because I know who my target audience is and so for those of you who are listening about Striving Entrepreneurs, you need to know who your target audience is and be speaking to those people. I’m not speaking to the Sensor type, but not typically to be honestly they are not energetically drawn to me either. My clients are drawn to my energy as well as my books, drawn to my coaching programs.
In fact I’ve designed a group coach program for just Intuitive type people because we are so left out in the world, so misunderstood that we need a place to be able to be together to talk about our live, talk about our relationship and our businesses. In 2015, I’ve got this Intuitive type group, so again we got a place to come together. Most of us like myself like you and Kathy too grow up kind of feel like weirdo. In fact my mother still don’t get me, she says why are you doing this, why are you writing a book, why does your book have to be in color? Why are you coaching? Why don’t you just be a therapist? Why, why? I don’t have to explain it. I want to just be able to be and I know that 25% of the population feel very much like me and so I want our community to come together to strive for one another.
Steve Kidd that’s great I really appreciate, you saying that. We were just talking last week when we were talking to an expert about the fact that niche makes rich, being focus is actually good for your business and so often as entrepreneurs; we don’t want to leave anybody out. We actually discovered that last week by trying to be all things to all people. We actually end up to be nothing to nobody.
Jessica Butts I completely agree, cause then people can resonate with you. For those of you out there writing your website copy, how you’re talking to your niches.
Steve Kidd we’ve been talking about the personality types. We talk about the difference between an Introvert and an Extrovert and Intuitive and Sensing people.
Steve Kidd this is Steve, welcome back. We’ve been talking about you’re e personality type, how to transform your business through unleashing the secret power of bringing the real you to your business. I’m joined with Jessica Buttss; she has been sharing some great stuff with us. A lot of time we get lost in the different letters that the important things for Entrepreneur are to know that we have to bring ourselves. What you do in business and what you bring to the world is so uniquely special and so important that it needs to be out there, that you need to share you to the world. I encouraged you as an entrepreneur embraced who you are then bring that out to the world share that with people and let your business be out there and that’s a whole concept of thriving to be an entrepreneur. You are sharing the best part of you with the rest of the world.
Jessica lets jump back in the letters we were talking about introvert versus extrovert, intuitive versus sensing people. Tell us about the other type and what that means to us?
Jessica Butts the two more dichotomy that are all more important to for all areas of your life again is your life, business and relationship and those are exactly what you are saying, thinking, feeling and judging and perceiving. So far we have talked and extrovert, sensing and intuition. The third dichotomy, now that we are taking in all of this information and we know where we give and get. Think and feeling dichotomy we make decisions, so thinkers over emphasize this incredible. Thinkers make decisions with their head and Feelers make decisions with their heart. You bring information to people and they have a preferred way or a preference to go about how to make their decisions. Thinkers know the facts in personal decision makers. They are not impersonal people but they do not make decisions with their hearts. Feelers on the other hand they make decisions circumstantially the facts are not all that important cause they consider their feelings and everybody else feelings. This can obviously be a big issue intimate relationships as well as work relationship because it can seem again impersonal. It can seem ridiculous to thinkers. Feelers make decisions with their heart in their business. This is the area a lot of people struggle with, why can you just make decisions based on the facts, why can’t we do certain things or why don’t we do certain thing. My philosophy is don’t do things that you’re not good at. Don’t do things that you suck at. For me to go about making decisions where my head is not who I am based on my energy to go to sit around and do things that I’m not good at. Have other people in your life to help you with that.
Get a great Business Coach, get a book keeper or an accountability partner or whatever it is to help you in the areas that you are not good at. Being well rounded is a thing in the 80’s and I disagree with that. I say do the things you’re really good at. Life is too short for we to sit on the things we were not designed to do. We are designed a certain way. If we are spending energy trying to do the things from our back seat that is not going to happen.
Let’s finished the dichotomy so we can talk about this car. Its funny all of them are my favorite, but judging and perceiving is my favorite. This is all, Steve how we are in the world. If everybody who is listening could place themselves in the world; this is how we like our world organized and how we like to be organized in the world. I don’t know how Myers Briggs came up with the world but all the other ones seem to make sense except these two. It’s called J&P because judging and perceiving makes no sense. J likes their world organized, decisive decisions makers. They don’t like things hanging out there. They are planners, they have calendars, they are organized. It’s easier for them to get things done because they like things round up. P,’s on the other hand much go with the flow, they are more undaunted by surprise, very spontaneous, they can really live their life kind of going with the flow. Js’ are not so good at going with the flow like things more organized makes them actually stressed out. Gets uncomfortable when things are not decided upon. The reason it’s not for me cause it causes many conflict in relationships and business. Those people show up 5 minutes late for a meeting and thinks nothing of it. Just like whatever, that drives Js’ crazy. Js’ are very work then play people. Ps’ are play and work; they kind of do things at the same time where Js’ would say let’s get the work done and then we’ll play. Js are excellent coaches and accountability partners; because they are organized and structured they just have that mind set.
Ps’ are really great at helping people see the big picture and kind of going with the flow and white boarding things and mapping things out for people. They have a great vision of that and so now that we understand these four dichotomies. Where you go from there, in fact each dichotomy is very fascinating. If you want more information your whole type 16 of those, there’s a timetable on my website jessicabutt.com. You can pull up your whole type if you’re interested in doing that and then reading your entire whole type. It gives you many details, because an ENFP looks more important than an ENFJ. Only one letter would make a huge difference in your personality type. Understanding that is the next step before you moving in the car.
This is an appropriate time to jump in the ‘chronology’ I come up with.
Steve Kidd absolutely, talk to us about the car, I’m really interesting to know about the back seat. To tell us a little bit about not doing what we suck at. I love that word ‘I may steal that one from you’. I’m totally using that one in my coaching practice now.
Jessica Butts We stuck in our back seat, I believe we live in a society that tell us we are not suppose to suck at stuff and the reality is we all have a back seat. Just a reality I have it, you have it, Kathy has it, and every listener has it. Once you think you know your whole letter type, you can fill it in my car. They way I came up with the car is its good it’s a methodology its, an inferior type. I love them but I don’t think they do a great job describing it in a language in a framework that people can understand. It kind of by accident I was doing a workshop. Probably 5 years ago and I realized I needed a way to explained to people so they understood it and somehow this idea of a car pop in my head then it really been growing in this idea of living your life in the front seat. What is it that your front seat imagines yourself driving across the country and there are 4 passengers in the car? The two people in the front are the driver and the co-pilot, your driver is in charge of your car. They see the directions where you are going they are inside the car, they decide how fast to go, turning and they have a vision of where you’re going. You’re driver is literally your best self. If you are an extrovert you’re driver is an extrovert, if you are an introvert your driver is an introvert meaning that is what the world is seeing of you, that is your best self. Your co-pilot is you’re second best self, this co-pilot is really important. You need somebody there to keep your company. You need somebody there to change the music, talk to you and Google mapping telling you where you going. It’s really kind of your wing man in your life. If your extrovert, this person is introverted and if your introvert this person is extroverted. It’s balance. These are the two best parts of yourself and in my opinion; you need to be spending at least 80% of your time. Your authenticity, this is your God-given talent. These are the things you should be doing your two people in your front seat cannot trust it enough. This is where most people tend to get a little emotional sometimes. A lot of people are not spending their life from the front seat; they are spending their time in the back seat. Because they are beaten down by their family of origin, being beaten down by society for whatever reason they are not living their life from this authentic place. This place of innateness and how we are designed in the world and so they are sucking their energy.
People in business often say to me ‘I don’t know why I’m not attracting my ideal clients’; most of the time is because you’re not living your life from the front seat. If you’re trying to be something you’re not.
Steve Kidd we going to talk about our back seat, the things we going try to avoid in our life and business. These are really important people in the car and often times bring a little tear. They realized this is where they are spending majority of times. I want most people not been spending their time right here
Let’s talk about these two passengers in the back seat are kind of funny, I don’t know where I came up with this stuff. But this is my definition with these two people we all know these are the driver and the co-pilot are having a great time. There are two kinds of people in the back seat they are your drunk Uncle and a baby in the back seat. This drunk Uncle is kind of in reference to unfortunately we have these persons in our life who is passed out and they are not just asleep in the back seat. They literally passed out. Unfortunately some of us being drunk in our past lives and know the difference between sleep and passed out. This is an analogy for the part of our personality type that is kind of for the drunk person and we need to leave them asleep, we need to let this type of personality just being drunk being in the back seat and past out. It is the stuff, in our lives and business that we are the worst for me this is a detail. Doing my books is a detail kind of thing, I’ve learnt and I hire people to do those kinds of things for me because it is literally I’m drunk trying to do my books. If I sit down to do quick book, everybody can imagine, you don’t do your best work when you’re drunk, obviously and it literally like doing that part of your business being in a fight or being in that place in your life where you’re drunk and my believe is that people just leave that drunk Uncle in the back seat and let him passed out and just. We have some things that we are not good at, everybody need to figure out what that it. You do not want a drunk person running any part of your life and that kind of person in the backseat kind of dreaded baby in the backseat. Babies are usually either asleep or they awake and screaming and yelling. Babies are also very immature. They are underdeveloped they literally have no communication skills. We love them they are cute and cuddly but in this case they are not a good thing. Because it is this part of our personality type shows up like a baby would show up.
Steve, when we are stressed out our back is against the wall, we all being there ‘I certainly know I have’ and we taking a deep breath and life is just throwing a curve ball at you. The person in the car who wakes up and takes over is the baby.
If our driver in the car is an extrovert meaning our best self is out, giving to the world. Showing compassion and we’re being out in the world. Our babies that wakes up quiet, here she is quiet and revert from life and shut down not in a good way, doesn’t answer the phone doesn’t communicate, just lock off into a room doesn’t want to work, doesn’t want to do anything. Then over think things, over feed things, gets overly dramatic and. Again it’s not like productive way, it’s a child like baby way. I’m guessing a lot of people listening can really resonate with this to a period in my life where it was very painful. I hid from the world for eight months. I just sat and was not my best self. People would notice it and if you think people can’t read that you’re wrong. People think that they are getting away like living their life from the back seat and doing things they are not good at or dealing with what going on in their life and thinks they are getting away with it. I’m here to tell you, you’re not getting away with it. It’s also sucking your energy. The other way that baby in the back seat show up where all the introverts in the world their babies wake up and they get loud and they get in your face and they scream and yell, sometimes they make demand or they get way over their emotions and they in your face but sometimes, they actually be very scary, because it’s so not who they normally are. People always say my baby in the back seat is my exact opposite and I say you’re absolutely right; cause if you sit down and map it out your baby is exactly the opposite.