We celebrate the release of 3 Best Sellers in this episode.
1st Breaking the Myth: How Screenwriters Can Sell Their Own Scripts in Hollywood by RANDY BECKER
It’s hard to stand out especially when you’re building a career in Hollywood. There are a lot of artists who are very talented but didn’t make it on top. Why? Because they didn’t create and build good relationships with the right people who can help them, they didn’t have the right mindset, and they didn’t have a system that worked for them. It is about time to stop living your dreams on the promise of luck.
2nd The Straight Line by MARK SNELLING
Life isn’t perfect and that’s ok. No matter how organized, careful and wise you are things will not always turn out as planned. But you just have to go with the flow of life. God will always be the strength you need to overcome life’s challenges. Things may seem messed up right now, but they will all work out in His perfect timing.
3rd The First 33: One Woman’s Journey from Trash to Treasure by BRIDGETT LARE’
Each of us has a story to tell that can help change lives of thousands of people who are going through the same fate. Bridgett shares her life story and how she was able to turn her life’s hardships into stepping stones to achieve a better life. There is more out there for you and now is the time to take control of your life.
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Show Notes
Grab a copy of Randy’s book here: Breaking the Myth: How Screenwriters Can Sell Their Own Scripts in Hollywood
Grab a copy of Mark’s book here: The Straight Line
Grab a copy of Bridgett’s here: The First 33: One Woman’s Journey from Trash to Treasure
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