Today, we’re celebrating MOM’S and their AWESOMENESS!
Learning how to manage and create the life that you desire.
Rachel Moore wrote her book, Manager Mom: Mind Your Vision: Transforming Your Life Inside Out, to challenge you in every aspect of your life; how to be focused, optimistic, believe contrary to what you see in your current circumstances and much more. The purpose of this book is to show how any mom can change her life from inside out to live a life of fulfillment. But first, you need to start claiming your “manager mom” title.
Overcoming adversities and living a resilient life.
Michelle Selman wrote her book, VICTORY CRY: Living a resilient life after a birth trauma, to motivate and help all the mother’s out there who are recovering from childbirth trauma to find their way to experiencing a resilient life. “No matter what you’re feeling right now, emotional pain or physical pain, I hope that my journey of recovery will help you ignite your healing.” — Michelle
Listen in and celebrate Mother’s Day with us on Thriving Entrepreneur.
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Grab your copy of Rachel’s book on Amazon.
Michelle’s book will be available on Amazon this week so do not forget to grab your copy!
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