Today we celebrate the extraordinary lives of extraordinary people like YOU!
Listen in as Steve interviews the extraordinary authors who shared their extraordinary and powerful stories in the book “Extraordinary Lives: Stories of Triumph and Inspiration” to inspire you, give you hope, equip you and let you know that they are all with you on this journey.
Kathy Kidd, Latia Tucker Vaughan, Julie Sands, Sandi Lynn, Gary Schwary, Deena Marie, Dorissa McCalister-Carnell, Candace Crandon-Pellew, Mosetanola Moshay Akala, Donna Jones Holas
Foreword by Susie Carder, International Best Selling Author
Endorsed by Lisa Nichols, Founder and CEO of Motivating the Masses, Inc
Published by Lisa Nichols-Motivating the Masses and KIDD Marketing
#ExtraordinaryLives #LetsTellYourStory #BestSellersGuild#AUTHORityPackage
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