Have you ever watched a little child wake up on their own? I’m not talking about a teen who would prefer to stay up all night a sleep all day. Have you ever seen a small child still full of wonder get up in the morning. No matter what happened yesterday they are excited to live another day. A child doesnt toss and turn and worry about life or bills. They dont stress out over what may happen tomorrow or replay yesterday. When a small child sleep they just spend the night dreaming magical dreams full of ponies and possibilities. They awake just knowing that today is going to be the best day ever. A child pops out of bed ready to go. You can see in their eyes that their little minds are filled with joy. You even before they speak their first word that sense of awe and wonder that they bring to each little thing as it happens. Children live their lives happy, excited and completely FULL of life and energy!
May you have heard the expression, “you have to get up early to keep up with that kid”?
Maybe you were the child they used to say that about?
So what happened?
Ask yourself: Why aren’t we still that way? Where did our overwhelming joy go?
Why do we sometimes give in to living a life of emptiness? A life where the promise of a better tomorrow seems like a distant, if not forgotten, memory.
Does this sound more like you?
When we find ourselves living less than our best we need help. Down inside of us all is a little child who still has dreams. We all want to THRIVE in our lives and in our business. Well now it is time to turn those dreams into reality!
Now is your time to let JOY explode within you. Now is your time to begin living a life filled with fulfillment. It is time to let out all that we are and put all that we are back into your life!
Host Steve Kidd is joined by fulfillment specialist, author, and life coach April Adams. Together we are going to help you release the excited child in you back to living life full out with a sense of wonder and feeling of diving purpose. So that you can live as a Thriving Entrepreneur!
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