Have you clearly identified you dream job or dream company? Do you know what it takes to do that successfully. You need to know who you are, know what you are meant to do and know who you are meant to serve. But then you need to also identify what skills you need to do that job, to fulfill that destiny. After acquiring the skills to be the person that can do that job you need to know how to market yourself. What are the people needing that looking for and how do you show them it is you? This is the core of marketing you to the most into the world
To help us with this Steve is joined by International Best Selling Author Charles Max Wood as he shares from his book “Max Coders Guide To Finding Your Dream Coder Job”. In his book Charles shares what skills you need, where you can get them and then how to market yourself to the exact dream company you want to work for.
Next International Coach and Speaker Andy Audate shares both the story of becoming the person he needed to be to fulfill his destiny, but also how he now markets himself to have the greatest impact he can have on the world
Now is your time to Market You to the Most to the World on Thriving Entrepreneur
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