There are pains, hurts, problems from our past that each of us deal with. It is so easy to let these pains define us and hold us back from being the best version of ourselves. Many of these wounds are deep and sadly are still gaping open. It can often feel like there will never be a time when this hurt does not define us. And if we let it, it can! But there is an option. We can move beyond what was into all that still can be. We can heal.
If we focus on the pain it grows. If we focus on our next and the people we can serve that grows.
The pain inside you is very real. And dealing with it may seem impossible and not like something you want to ever address. But we are going to encourage you today to listen to these best selling authors as they share with you powerful strategies to move from the pain into the best version of yourself
Host Steve Kidd is joined by Monica Love shares from her best seller “Healing the Hurt That Hides” then Teresa Strong Myrick shares from her best seller “Attacked in Anger, Died in Love: How the Hurts of your past can propel rather than hinder you” today on Thriving Entrepreneur
Today is your day to heal!
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