Rise Up With Armelle Six, Denise Dixon, and Effie Ashu on Thriving Entrepreneur hosted by Steve Kidd
Today is your day to RISE UP. To move from the pains, hurts, habits of the past and move into a new bright glorious future.
Steve is joined by 3 International Best Selling Authors to share their journey and give you insight on how you too can rise up.
Armelle Six talks about her book “Daring to Live: From a Mother’s Biggest Loss to Finding Inner Peace and Joy”. Learn how to move from devastation to joy
Denise Dixon shares why “POVERTY COSTS MORE THAN YOU THINK: The Journey from Welfare to Wealth”. See how the place you started is not where you need to end and learn how to break those chains in your life
Effie Ashu in her book “Shaken, Tormented but NEVER broken” shows how to take the things we go through and grow through them.
This is your day to RISE UP. Together lets be all we can be today on Thriving Entrepreneur.
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