Often, you feel like you’re so ordinary because everyone can do the things that you can do. But that’s not true. All of us have unique talents and abilities that only you possess. Join Trevor Hucey, and Myrtha Dubois talk about the endless possibilities that can happen in your life if you close your eyes, and let your spirit start to soar!
Soaring to New Heights: My Quest for an Education That Began at Age 56 by Trevor Hucey
Trevor shares how the decision he made to go back to school changed his life completely. “I made a deal with my wife. She asked me to take 1 class and decide afterward if I want to continue or not. I did exceptionally well in my first class because of the research that I did. I got a 4.0. I was on cloud 9. I didn’t believe it was possible and that gave me the confidence to continue. My wife saw something in me that I didn’t see that is why I dedicate this book to her.” Trevor said.
Undeniable You: 7 Steps To Soar by Myrtha Dubois
Myrtha’s talks about going through the process of recognition, discovery, and understanding while learning to embrace your path and your purpose. “The title of my book is Undeniable You: 7 Steps To Soar and the reason why it’s “undeniable” is through my journey and experiences growing spiritually, I became one with myself. I knew there was more to me than just what I see in front of the mirror and I needed to bring who the real Myrtha is to the world; a person who I know, a lot of people can relate to.“ Myrtha said.
Join Steve Kidd in this inspiring interview on Thriving Entrepreneur.
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