There are 2 elements to people in our life. There are the people we allow in our life and then there is the person we are to people in life.
You have heard it said that you are the most like the 5 people you spend the most time with. How are those people impacting you? Are they good for you, are the adding spice to your life and making you life more delicious or are they damaging your life and making you miserable and less than
Best Selling Author T Renee Garner share from her book “Conquering the Man-Monster” talking about overcoming the urge to settle or to try and fix a broken person to try and create a “good relationship” Even though we know this doesn’t work, we still keep doing it don’t we. Let’s look at the people we are allowing into out life and how to have that be for our good
Next Immy shares with us how to look at who we want to show up as in the world. How to know who we are and then creating a personal brand to show up in the world as the best version of ourself
Let’s talk about the people in our life and the person we are in life today on Thriving Entrepreneur.
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